Later that night, we all gathered to mourn our loss, his death. His death was the late news and the breaking news. It was on the morning news- it was on all the Milwaukee stations. It was so sad. He died trying to get back to a wedding anniversary party he had planned at the home of our dear friends the Burns.Our friends didn't live far.
When I received an interruption on the phone line from an Oshkosh operator, who wanted to speak to our Mother, I told the lady Mom would call her back. The operator asked me where Mom could be reached and I gave her the number. ( Phone calls back then, were different, especially if your call was interrupted) My sister and I were scared. I told my sister I would run, in the fog, to our neighbor's house to see if everything was ok- like, if I could see Dad's car. Just as I rounded the bend to see their house in fullview, I heard my sister scream through the fog 'it's all right Jeannie, come home'. Minutes thereafter, Mother, followed by a long procession of cars down our driveway ( we were like, what is this???) came in and told us that Dad had died in a car crash. So, so sad.
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