I'm so happy to have saved these menus from the trip our family took to the BVI's....16 years ago- how it can be so long ago?! We sailed on a 70 ft. boat.
It was one of the best family vacations we took; but they all seemed extraordinaire. And this one, we chartered a boat that had a captain, a cook, and a third mate. Our 5 boys were all beginning to 'assert themselves' and the thought of being with our oldest, who was 13 at the time, seemed like we entering a doomed chapter. Au contrair! Captain Dan and mate Christy, our cook, had us all entertained. The toys!! We didn't need much to entertain ourselves and our environment was so much for any of us to take in.
I want to share with you our weekly menus- and these meals were made 16 years ago and we made our boys eat or at least try. I wonder if Christy is still cooking like this....miss these people; they were so wonderful to us.
Our breakfasts were all made to order so the boys had some freedom!
Red Snapper with coconut milk in parchment paper with Banana Sauce
Stir fry vegetables
Tomato Pasta
Monday lunch
Chicken slices over lettuce, cucs, croutons
potatoes, apples, vegetables with creamy dressing
Monday Dinner
Shrimp skewered over Tuna
Flaming Plantains
Roast potatoes and onions
Honey Carrots
dessert: can't remember!
Tuesday lunch
homemade pizza
salad: red cabbage with raisins, carrots, pecans, apples
Tuesday dinner
steak with red potatoes stuffed with sour cream and bacon
Baked tomatoes in foil with melted cheese
Wednesday lunch
Pasta with chicken and bacon in a sauce
Spinach salad
Wednesday dinner
Vegetable Kebobs
BBQ chicken
Tuna steaks
potatoes with cheddar and chives, mint, thyme, parsely
Thursday lunch
Turkey/cream cheese sandwich with jam
Spinach salad with big red strawberries
Thursday dinner
Pork Roast with pineapple sauce over rice
Plantains in tomato garlic sauce
Battered Broccoli
Minted Mousse
Friday lunch
steak salad
marinated tomatoes with cheese
Friday dinner
Swordfish with Mango salsa
Bean dip
Molded couscous
sauteed yellow zucchini
chocolate pecan tart
Saturday dinner ( I forgot Saturday's lunch! Maybe we had it in town)
Veal with tomato basil sauce
pesto pasta
parmesan cheese cauliflower
white chocolate bread pudding
Sunday lunch
pineapple, tuna pizza
Prosciutto, pepperoni pizza
Sunday dinner
Lamb roast stuffed with goat cheese
Boiled Potatoes
red beet fritters
sauteed sweet potatoes ( in Hennessey)
Special memories, new family expressions, and an intro to fine food!